This is my daughter in a wig and bejeweled glasses as Mama Mae Peterson from Bye Bye Birdie, her last musical during her senior year in high school. She chose to channel the Mike Myers Linda Richman character, a stereotypical Jewish middle-aged woman, when deciding on costume and voice for the part. She was a riot. (I thought:)
I sent her this picture last night, wishing her happy Oscar night, because I knew she would be glued to her TV as I was. The Oscars are my Super Bowl. Yeah, I talk a good game about the Pittsburgh Steelers. But the truth is if they hadn't made it to the Super Bowl I wouldn't know what their record was, who Antonio Holmes was or what sunglasses what's his name wears when he cuts his grass.
But Oscar night is wonderful. The Red Carpet, the gowns, the jewels, the music, the extravagant set, the clips, the friendly banter on stage between announcements. Wasn't the Hugh Jackman/Anne Hathaway thing cute? The awkward moment when someone yelled "open the curtain" from off stage. The acceptance speeches, hurried, tearful, sincere, genuine. I love it all.
The poignant moments really got to me this year... Heath Ledger's family accepting for him. "Milk" screenwriter Dustin Lance Black ... couldn't resist an emotional moment when shedding a tear, he said, "Harvey gave me his story, and it saved my life."
But, I think Penelop Cruz accepting her award for Best Supporting Actress said what I feel about this arts. "... And I, always on the night of the Academy Awards, I stay up to watch the show and I always felt that this was, this ceremony was a moment of unity for the world because art, in any form, is and has been and will always be our universal language and we should do everything we can, everything we can, to protect its survival..."